~ About me ~

Welcome to Astrageldon's blog site😜

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Disambiguation: Astrageldon is not the Astrageldon Slime which directs you here

Astrageldon is the owner of this site and will be 332 years old on January 14, 2338, which is 9894009600 seconds after the time this page is created. Astrageldon is currently a CTFer, but actually more interested in various branches of mathematics as well as their intersection—the Cryptography🔐. Most of the time, Astrageldon is a technological Otaku. Astrageldon might be intrigued by stuff like below: (unordered)

This silly site is mainly intended for the collection of the owner's brilliant or stupid ideas and for the convenience of looking them up. Mostly, scientific and technological contents are covered. Astrageldon would like to deploy this site on GitHub and as a result it is static :p